The more you dream big in life
The more you will be able to strive
For dreaming will take you one step ahead
To achieve everything you want
Dream big in life
So that you can get what you want!
Your aura can do wonders for you
If you have a positive aura
You can go very far
If you have a negative aura
You will not reach the star
So remain positive every while
That is the true hope for life!
Past is gone so don't think about it
Its your way to live in the present
So smile and live for the moment
And you make new plans for future
Each day that you count will be new
Only for you and only by you!
Each day is like a chance to do something bright
To get a way for you to get it right
Each day holds new things you want to see
Each day has a power to give you glee
So make the most of your time
Every day and all the while!
Make your day count my friend!
Your thoughts are the biggest source of inspiration in
your life
Your thoughts can take you to a positive direction
Your thoughts can motivate you in the right way
It goes without a say
That your thoughts can change your life
So have good thoughts in mind!
You are confident in your ways
And you have the will
So don't hold back on things you can do
Just go ahead for that kill
Coz that will take you far ahead in life
Coz that will give you a reason to strive
Have that will!
Gratitude should be there in life
As it it's like a perfect start of the day
So practice it daily whenever you can
It will spell for you and say
By making you a better person in life
Have that gratitude in you!
Difficulties are part of life
They will come in every way
But what counts is your outcome
You have your say
To fight it all and win
And to have the most amazing life
After all your struggle and strive!
That is the way to life!
Two cures that you should always keep in mind
A hearty laugh which will cure all your pain
And help you to gain
And a good night sleep
This will have a cure too deep
So always remember these two things!
Everything happens for a particular reason
But if you sit and analyze things
You won't reach your destination
So learn to let go
And go with the flow
Coz that will help you in life
That is the true meaning to strive!
Always keep two things handy in life
Your smile and your silence
Smile when the situation gets grim for you
And remain silent when you want to change a few
Coz that will help you through
Being the way you want to!
Success has a direct connection with action in life
If you want success you must do that action
If you don't, you will not have what you want
So make way for things you like
So that you are able to flaunt
Your success in your life!
You might think that every increasing hurdle in front of
you is a sign of stopping. It's not. When you keep going on and turn back after
a few years, you'll see it was just a staircase after all, that you were
climbing on the way to your victory and success.
No dream is too big, or unrealistic or stupid. Dreams
are dreams and they are meant to be dreamed with faith and hope. When you dream
them best and make them a part of your life, you achieve them sooner.
Don't try to be someone else. A fish and an elephant
cannot pass a flying test. Life has given a different question paper in its
exam to everyone; focus on answering yours than copying others.
When you know that nothing lasts forever, including the
good times, then why would you let your disappointment or sadness last forever?
Cheer up, gather strength, try again and be a fighter!
Never be disheartened with slow progress in anything.
After all, 'slow progress' is also 'progress' and it's better than nothing.
Just like there's a key to every lock, there's a
solution to every problem too. You'll find yours very soon; don't lose hope!
Everything happens for a reason, and everything makes
you lose or gain something. If you gain something, good for you. If you lose
something, you still gain experience, learning and motivation to keep going on
and achieve your goals. So life never makes you lose anything.
Don't be afraid of making mistakes. Years later, you'll
be calling them 'experiences' instead of 'mistakes' and they will be the key
points of your success story.
If giving up was an option, do you think God would have
meticulously created such a beautiful planet for us? Just keep going on, and
the fruits of your hard work will show up very soon.
Never be shaken by failure. Stand tall and shake failure
with your strength. Victory will come kiss your feet.
The reason why the Earth rotates and brings the sun
after each dark night is because every morning is a reminder of your
unfulfilled goals, and of renewed hope and chances to fulfil those goals.
If you can't change the direction of the wind,
Then go with the wind,
Because change can be good at times!
If you believe and visualize something,
Your half the task is done,
It is just important to stick to your belief!
The change in life starts from your thoughts,
If you change your thoughts,
Your life will be changed,
So, change your thinking!
Happiness is just a state of mind,
If you are happy from within,
It will show on your face,
So, you need to keep smiling always!
Sometimes it is important to fail in life,
Because then only success will taste sweeter,
So, failure is the next step to success in life!
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